STAGE6 needle bearing - 10 x 17 x 13 - 12pin to 10pin
stage 6 needle bearing - 10 x 17 x 13 - 12pin to 10pin


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stage 6 needle bearing for crankshaft con rods!! this is a special one because it allows you to run a 10mm wrist pin piston on a 12mm crankshaft small end!! IF your crank uses 17mm needle bearings.. and most moped ones don't haha. hahaa. haha. hah.

10mm x 17mm x 13mm

in silver competition race version

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5 of 5 yeah this wont work for you May 12, 2022
taco eater : Graham Motzing from Eau Claire, WI United States  
like every single 12mm pin is 12x16 bearing, this only works on a few super oddball bikes that are 12x17.

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