red 17.5mm PHVA TS carburetor - CLONE
red 17.5mm PHVA TS carburetor - CLONE



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17.5mm PHVA TS clone carburetor for the tomos A55 engines, yeahhh. you could use this on something else probably, but hmm why o why? this is the direct bolt in bolt on go go go carb for the A55, total perfecto replacement from your small lil one. what comes on those things? like 12.5mm? ohh vile. fits right in n on with your oil injection and all those goodies.

PHVA air filter mounting diameter = 35mm

use a rubber coupler mount like this to mount to the intake

uses 6mm dellorto jets comes with cable choke!

oh my now in red! red red red red reddddd

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5 of 5 So far so great November 2, 2016
taco eater : daniel sabatinelli from mendon, MA United States  
Direct bolt on replacement for the 12mm carb on a liquid cooled (lc) horizontal minarelli found on early model aprilia sr50 scooters, like 1999. Came with a 90 main jet good for a stock setup but paired with 17.5mm intake, de-snorkled airbox and a pipe, 102 main jet of the m6 (6mm) type is more on spot.

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5 of 5 Good, screws are on backside March 4, 2016
taco eater : Anonymous Person  
The air mixture and idle speed screw are on the back side, if thats wat ur looking for

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5 of 5 Red for Racing! September 19, 2014
taco eater : Anonymous Person from Sioux Falls, SD United States  
I paid the extra $4 cuz its red, but hey, it works on my tomos a3 with the stock a55 intake (15mm cheepness) and it came with a 90 main jet and 34 idle /starter jet =)

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5 of 5 carb January 9, 2013
taco eater : jordan  
do i need jets or do they come with it

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