puch mk racing performance E50 3 pad clutch
puch mk racing performance E50 3 pad clutch


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mk racing performance puch E50 3 pad clutch...this is called a racing clutch. make what you will of that. this clutch uses a special puller which we will have in a few days. go for it, try me out you know you wanna i think this clutch could be used in kick start and regular E50 engines. it comes with a kick start actuator and a nut. and as far as i can tel you can use it on regular E50s, cause the edges of the pads take the place of the starting cork.

get a clutch puller here!

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4 of 5 Update on clutch perfomance November 10, 2011
taco eater : Tim Seward from San Francisco, CA United States  

Snip 4-5 loops and it will slip upto 25mph.. i am going to test the tomos spring and cut some loops off and see if I cant get it to slip up to 30mph where my pipe hits...

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4 of 5 Stock is OK and feels reliable November 10, 2011
taco eater : tim from SF  
So I am 210 pounds on a cobra treats reed kit.. the clutch feels solid and takes off decent.. it hits the clutch stock around 20-25mph which I feel could be improved by snipping a loop or two off... I climb way to many hills in SF and warp braced atomic clutches all day.. so this seems like a good solution so far.. I will try and see if I cant tune this so it engages later...

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4 of 5 performance tuning on MA... February 21, 2011
taco eater : Ryan from Columbia, MO United States  

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4 of 5 kickstart? February 21, 2011
taco eater : andy haldeman from manheim, PA United States  
looks like it's for a KS

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