taco eater :
Tina from Bloomington, IN United States
The smaller one that comes with it fits perfect, but this big guy pictured required some creativity with and x-acto and super glue
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puch maxi front fender mud flap
December 24, 2018
taco eater :
Erik Barney from Yelm, WA United States
don't fit on my 1980 maxi front. Fits on rear.....
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dont fit
May 21, 2018
taco eater :
Keith Char from Honolulu, HI United States
Don't fit!
Edit treats : on what?
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August 27, 2014
taco eater :
Walter Perine from Wellington, FL United States
It was very hard to stretch the mud flap to index the rubber pins into the holes of my 1981 Maxi-Luxe front fender. I tried everything including heating up the rubber. Finally I cut off the pins and drillled four small holes, and installed 8/32 bolts and lock nuts. I really think there is a design flaw in the part. BTW The front small rubber finisher that comes with the flap fit perfectly. I also noticed that on the original installation of the rubber pins they melted the ends to keep them from coming loose. I bet they were made from a different material.
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Works as it should
February 4, 2014
taco eater :
Black Francis from atlanta, GA United States
Get some speed nuts or star washers for the inside of the fender - the mud guard'll stay put