puch maxi EBR crossbar - ELLIPTICAL - BLACK
puch maxi EBR crossbar - ELLIPTICAL - BLACK


 :*sorry none today*

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EBR crossbar, frame brace, stabilizer, ya, for puch maxi

the bar part with out the bracket is about 19.5"

the threaded part that mounts to the headstock has 2" of thread.

so you screw it out till you achieve crossbar perfection

check your measurements cause even tho they say it's for puch maxi, it might not fit right.

may cause some complications with taking your gas cap on/off.

taco rating taco rating 2 of 5 2 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 give your taco rating here

  1 taco eaters like this review
2 of 5 bummed August 19, 2021
taco eater : Anonymous Person from Oakland , CA United States  
doesn't fit any of my Puch Maxi's :(

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