puch "DART" clutch cover
puch "DART" clutch cover



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wow, a replacement clutch cover for the very rare, obscure and proprietary puch dart style e50. i believe these also came on single speed austro diamlers as well! in euroland they are known as the maxi PLUS ! oh and the dart equivalent is the mini maxi.

featuring it's patented amalgamated e50 / za50 starter clutch technology. sure to confuse and bewilder any user.

totally nude, no starter clutch parts or fill plug included!

HEY you smart guy. i see you looking at this thinking that it will bolt onto your regular e50. you think you can trick your friends into thinking that you have a weirdo e50 but the trick is on YOU because the bolt pattern is different. yeah and everything about the starter is different. so no. only buy this if you know what ya got yerself into!

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