OEM tomos A3, A35 and A55 exhaust gasket
original OEM tomos A3, A35 and A55 exhaust gasket - 227149


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original OEM tomos A3, A35 and A55 exhaust gasket.

23.5mm ID

tomos part number - 227149

taco rating taco rating 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 give your taco rating here

  1 taco eaters like this review
5 of 5 Fits perfect April 9, 2015
taco eater : Ryo from Ordon Village, Hyrule  
I ordered this to go with the exhaust and the gasket lines of absolutely perfect almost too perfect if that's even possible :-)with the 70cc kit and I'm almost hundred percent sure it would fit with the stock 50cc as well

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