taco eater :
noodles from dorchester, MA United States
I ran these for a few mobys for the longest time bc its only fucking 100$... then I said fuck it n bought the parmakit. The parmakit blows this bitch out the water but its a fucking steal for 100$
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good but...KEEP IT COOL BABY!! (like vanilla ice)
August 9, 2021
taco eater :
Jonah Ross from Kansas City, MO United States
amazing kit great power and off the line speed its kinda nutz but two problems. Compression and Heating are stupid. Compression is enough to blow any gaskets and make your temps STUPID HOT. the compression contributes to the heating but I'm disappointed that airsal went with stock looking fins rather than good cooling for the motobecane gods. amazing kit though! Buy it but expect these issues to be your worst enemy's. Like Vanilla Ice says "Drop that Zero and get with da hero." - Vanilla Ice October 18, 1991
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Don't over-think this
April 18, 2021
taco eater :
Richard Dreslinski from Lincoln Park, MI United States
Cliff's notes: The key is bringing your compression ratio down to earth.
I was getting 235+ PSI with this kit and stock-type head. So I freehand hogged out the combustion chamber until it dropped below about 150 (resembles a hemi now).
Ignored port timing, used included head gasket, stock base gasket, some kind of fully-machined, stuffed crank, LePartie @ keyway, SHA 15:15 w/68 jet, CNC zone intake, treats "AV88" stock exhaust, stock 3-ball variator and 11:54 sprockets, and 89 octane rec fuel. @ 25:1.
Does 40-44 MPH and gets there in a hurry. Appears willing to run there indefinitely, too. (Which seems on par with the.more elaborate setups in the other reviews).
This does shred all but the "racing " motor mounts within a few miles, and the latter transmit an unpleasant level of vibration.
But I wanna ride, not tune, all summer and this one is dialed-in.
PS: Re-torque the head nuts after each heat/cool cycle for the first few. Recommend hardened washers, too.
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Pretty tame av7 upgrade
October 21, 2019
taco eater :
Jonathan Feldman from Oakland, CA United States
It took me a bit to get it running good and it's pretty damn quick off the line but lemme say.. it's a pretty conservative kit. Transfers are tiny and the ports arent too impressive either. I have it with a kickstart er3 / 15 sha and le partie timed at 1.2mm. It's pretty fun to ride just not very exciting. Top end def isn't there but we knew that with the port map. Also, shit runs pretty damn hot. Some of yall were swearing that yoire only hitting 380 tops but I got my doubts. This thing is big ol ball of heatsoaked aluminum goodness after maybe 15 min. Good news is that the fat dual rings seem to take the abuse very well.
It needs a 1.5mm base gasket to clear exh port at bdc, In return your squish is gonna be huge after this. Good news is that this bitch outta the box is hi comp as fuck so the fucked up huge squish kinda helps you get a more normal compression psi. Mine is paired with the stock head hogged out with a dremel for lower compression WITH 2 head gaskets stacked. Yup.
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It do
September 9, 2019
taco eater :
Mike Mills from worcester, MA United States
Its a ripper. Ring gap was fine as always. Cleaned up the ports a smidge. 16.16 and le partie 43 mph and still cranks up hills. I had problems with both the included head gasket and aluminum head gaskets (even after facing the surfaces) and would reccomend the malossi soft fiber/metal gasket.