motobecane av10 and AV7 airsal 47mm piston - single 1mm chromed ring
motobecane av10 and AV7 airsal 47mm piston - single 1mm chromed ring


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replacement 47mm piston for the motobecane av10 airsal 47mm H2O kit, the air cooled 47mm kit,  47mm bridged exhaust kit, and even the AV7 47mm kit!

this is a single 1mm chromed ring version for super high rpm action!!

includes piston, rings, wrist pin and clips

taco rating taco rating 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 give your taco rating here

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5 of 5 Excelent July 30, 2014
taco eater : Samara from São Paulo Brazil  
Price and quality!!!

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