taco eater :
Mitchell St Louis from COWICHAN BAY, BC Canada
The set up works great ,it do not hit the frame ,or hit pulley when engine is inward, the two bolts that conect the intake are good intake fits tight, no leaks it is compatible with AV10 engines ,all you need to do is shortene one screw very little ,still plenty of thread to hold on tight to motor, lots of noticeable power .
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Not awesome, but better than stock.
December 3, 2021
taco eater :
Jeremy Ransom from Caldwell, ID United States
I got 5mm hardware and the intake is tapped 6. Only two bolts mount the body to the cases and I had to file a bit to get the bolt heads to clear... We'll see if it clears when variating.
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Ethanol no good
May 11, 2021
taco eater :
Triple taco from Princeton, MA United States
The ethanol in the gas made the o rings swell and treat doesn’t offer replacement.
It’s okay I was expecting better
Installing it, is a puzzle on its own! Use loctie
Update: I was able to ditch to orings and use a gasket.
Had clreance issues with the carb hitting the Frame at full var...made a bracket to hang the motor slightly lower
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Must have for Big carb
August 12, 2010
taco eater :
Jessegar from ft. Myers, FL United States
If you are using stock or the budget cases this is a must have for 19-21mm carbs, the stock reed block is just way to small. Get it! Blast!