Swapped this baby in to a case matched polini engine that was recently rebuilt. Had to run a slightly thicker base gasket to make sure the exhaust opened the whole way, but no spacer or anything needed.
Variatior key ways are NOICE and tight, I actually had to file the sides of my keys just a TEENY TINT BIT to make them go in snug and not require needle nose pliers to get them out. Very good quality
Perfectly fits the v1 flywheel key treats sells (the puch/v1 guy)
Prob ganna but another cuz why wouldn’t I?
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February 10, 2021
taco eater :
cause from New York, NY United States
before, if you needed a new crank you had to rip it from another C2 (and who the hell could do that?!) This thing is sick, and superior to the stock crank in every way.