minarelli V1 L aluminum nikasil lined athena 47.6mm 70cc cylinder kit - 5 port
minarelli V1 L aluminum nikasil lined athena kit


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athena 47.6mm 70cc aluminum nikasil lined athena kit for minarelli V1 L case inducted motors

the cylinder is actually stamped eurocilindro so this is some wicked vintage tech!

47.6mm x 1mm single chromed piston ring! 5 ports! waohhhhh!! aluminummmmmmmmm nikasil lined!! seriously, wow!!!

includes cylinder, piston, ring, wrist pin, clips, head, base and exhaust gaskets!

please note this was formerly an 80cc kit...butttt V1L uses a different stroke crank so its actually a 70cc!

pistons and rings available !

taco rating taco rating 3 of 5 3 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 give your taco rating here

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3 of 5 brn is better October 25, 2012
taco eater : Austin Tremellen from Philadelphia, PA United States  
yes this is nice right out of the box, but the brn made the same amount of power if not more with much better longevity. plus its hard to get rings, and pistons :(  Unless you have a v1 crank in your v1l you will have stupid low head compression.

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