taco eater :
Brian Singer from North Wales, PA United States
I used this overnight in early spring with temps in the 50s even though it says to use in 70s to 80s it still worked great. Forget vinegar and acids that you'll inevitably get in your eye holes. Buy this stuff! Sure it's sold everywhere but this is great filler to give your order that "freeship" status.
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Effing incredible
August 14, 2016
taco eater :
Calvin Holic from Fort Collins, CO United States
If you're on this page, just buy this stuff!!! This ate the rust out of my Sachs tank like Kobayashi casually downing a billion hot dogs. And, it's super safe and not a pain in the ass to dispose of!
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The Stuff You Want
June 23, 2015
taco eater :
Nathan Barrett from San Jose, CA United States
Degrease tank, fill, wait till the stuff turns black, dump down drain. Water based, not flammable nor corrosive. By far my favorite method of cleaning maxi tanks of rust. For sale at Home Depot as well, if you're short on time.
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Don't be a cheap ass
June 17, 2015
taco eater :
Joe Rizzo from Portland, OR United States
By far the best solution for rusty tanks, this stuff rules. Just make sure it's totally degreased before hand because this stuffs waterbased. A clean tank is totally work the $$ and it's way easy.