All the haters have nothin' on the gen one 83-83 aero. You have to port match the cases with the old goop-n-grind treatment with JB and his buddy Dremell. The slot in the reeds needs to be filed a tad to allow the little plastic locating pin to fit in-between them on the stock reed block. I paired it with the high compression head too which required some material to be removed from the shielding/ducting around the cylinder. Also good luck changing the spark plug without unbolting the rear shock lol. Now she rips with everything stock other than the top end and the sliders (9.5 doctor pulleys). Before, 37mph was all she gave. Now she gets to 44mph, puttin' out baby! Gib me variator boss now treaties that fits 16mm od shaft so I don't have to ask a machine shop to whiz me one out.
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April 10, 2020
taco eater :
Derek Winkle from YOUNGSTOWN, OH United States
I installed this on my jdm Honda gyro x engine code TD-01E and it does indeed fit with no modifications! But, I’m dumb and I broke one of the exhaust flanges when I installed it. Be very careful and make sure your exhaust studs are the right length! :(
Other than my main jet being different this was a full bolt on kit. I haven’t installed the reeds yet tho.
Also kind of a bummer is my gyro x used to top at 28mph and now I’m at like 33. So not much top end difference(for me, I know others have gotten close to 40 with no other mods) but the torque is out of this world. I may update once I fuss with the variator. Have fun!
UPDATE! I have since installed a bigger variator and the gyro x is ripping! GPS 38-39mph which is honestly as fast as I would ever want to go on this wacky truck bike.
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this looks like a honda lead af01 cylinder
April 7, 2019
taco eater :
king reverand Nick Flare from Nickastan , CA United States
ports look like af01 ports. which is almost identical to jdm gyro 2t. both are vertical cylinders. USDM gyros are horizontal. af01/ lead cylinders will work on 83-84 nb50/ ab07 engine with port modifications. cylinder heights are the same. so pull out those 1st generation Aero's and get to rippin!!! can I have one now? please.....
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Great kit for the wrong gyro
June 22, 2016
taco eater :
Anonymous Person
I believe this is actually for the Japanese models which have a different engine than my tg50. The carbon reeds and jet are a different shape. The exhaust flange on the cylinder had to be ground down a little to fit the case and the exhaust pipe flange had to be cut and welded to fit. Other than those issues it bolted right up once modified