didn't last a couple miles and was broken. still hangs onto the bar but flops all over.
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December 19, 2016
taco eater :
Alan from Washington DC
this lever is stupid nice for 13 dollars. I can't even buy a meal of this quality for 13 dollars. like what is wrong with you people, it is great, buy 10 of them. Lever up your life, playa.
I was like "how terrible is this thing? No one has reviewed it"
BEHOLD - NO WORRIES FAM! I have bit the bullet and put it all on the 13 dollar line. It checks out. BUY WITHOUT FEAR!
The little twisty jobby is brass, not some turd faux-gold coated alluminium. TITE YO, BRASS IS PIMP AF; just look at trumpets and shit.
It doesn't come with a cable endy holdy thingy (technical term) but there is a Tomos one living here in the hands of the mighty treatland that fits if you cut off the excess.
Im sure the mirror hole is lovely but i dont have time for that trash. blindly merge into the sunset, homeboi
"but mommy, i want a black one ;__;" -paint it, ya nerd.