grimeca 17" 6 razze parallele SILVER rim - rear - NUDE
grimeca 17" 6 razze parallele SILVER rim - rear



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brand new grimeca 3 star razze parallele mag wheel for whatever ya want!

uses 90mm brake plates!! should be an easy switch for puch snowflake users needing a new rim.

17" x 1.35 rim size

1.35" is the distance between the inner lips of the rim aka the measurement of the distance between where the two tire beads seat.

takes regular freewheels!

uses one 6201 bearing and one 6001 bearing. you'll need a center spacer that is approximately 73.5mm long.

uses 98mm sprockets (11 hole sprockets should line up with all 6 bolt holes, 10 hole sprockets will only line up with 3 bolt holes)

perfect for completing your custom build....

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