fiberglass race gas tank - 3
fiberglass race gas tank - 3


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replica fiberglass gas tank from the vintage days of moped / small moto racing!


-- for display purposes or museum bikes only. if you intend on putting gas in them, you are using it at your own risk and you are on your on in that regard.

-- the quality of this tank is not 100% perfect. it's really nice, just not perfect. it's unfinished, so you gotta prep and paint it yourself.

-- these tanks come in a variety of primer colors which we cannot control, therefore your tank will come in whatever color we have available. no whiney, no picky, no choosey. they are mostly the grey color shown, but there are plenty of green pink and beige surprises.

26" long
7" wide
5.5" tall
a little over 1.5" wide cutaway on bottom
the tank weighs 3lb 9oz

comes with a special aluminum gas cap already inlayed in the tank with a rubber o-ring seal. there is a 5mm overflow spout on top.

this tank has two 10mm threaded petcock spots on bottom. you can choose from the 10mm petcocks here that we have!!

these tanks come with specially mounted aluminum posts and rubber straps for mounting it to your custom bike. obviously it is not hard mounted, and you will have to come up with a clever way to mount the tank with the least amount of vibration and stress on its structure

here is an example of a bike that would use this type of tank:

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