taco eater :
Szyslak jacob from ft lauderdale, FL United States
sawed off the stock pipes header mating tip transforming it into the perfect shim and malleted it into place barely needing a hose clamp to secure. This pipe alone added 2.5 to 3 mph and the pick up is probably 50 percent better. Some pedal clearance issues and the kickstand is obstructed slightly, but after a few bangs and tweaks......
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June 22, 2015
taco eater :
blackumi from Moreno Valley, CA United States
currently running this pipe on my 50v with the 50vlx header.
Hits nicely, and I get to 30 much easier on a near stock 50v.
Should be great once I install my dellorto
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Best pipe for the money.
May 3, 2013
taco eater :
Max Johnson from New Bedford, MA United States
Put one of these on my mom's Kinetic Magnum, and one on my Hero Puch.
Mild powerband, quiet when new, but the rockwool packing fouls rather quickly. Breathes Way better than your stock pipe, just get the Dellorto Carb Clamp/Heavy Duty exhaust clamp when you buy it. And be prepared to get a piece of copper pipe to slice down the middle, most moped exhaust headers are just a mm too small to clamp down on cleanly with this pipe.
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August 10, 2012
taco eater :
louis partida from Virginia Beach, VA United States
put this on my tomos Lx, sounds good and adds some power, great low end. I did have to do some modifications, if you put it on the way they suggest you're gonna drag the kickstand on most turns. I bent my header up to fix this
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a little modification
March 23, 2012
taco eater :
Brian Meidlinger from atwater, CA United States
had to do a little modification but well worth it has a sweet sound and just got the large bracket. Now off to annoy my neighbors at 4:30 in the morning