dellorto SHA carburetor METAL slide for 14mm - 16mm carbs
dellorto SHA carburetor METAL slide


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dellorto SHA slide

dellorto SHA carburetor metal slides!

available in these sizes - 1, 2, 6, 7, and 9! All other sizes are now discontinued.

a new 14.12 we have here uses size #2 for your reference.

for sizes like 14.12, 15.15, 16.16 . ..

new 15mm SHA cable/lever choke carbs generally come with a #12 plastic slide.

NOTE!!! if the size/color/make that you want is not showing up in the drop down menu above, that means it's out of stock for now. you'll have to find an alternate size/color/make or wait til the one ya want is back in stock! sry!

number 1 slide is also tomos part number 219580

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5 of 5 #9 slide is the secret May 27, 2021
taco eater : Adam Riggsby from allston, MA United States  
#9 slide is the secret to getting a 15:15 SHA to open up all the way. It has the same angle cut on the bottom as a #2 but the whole bore clears with the #9 slide.

Pls get more so I can buy more :)

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5 of 5 beat the nay-sayers June 30, 2017
taco eater : Goshen Mopeds from Goshen, IN United States  
if you want that sha to rip like a carb with a needle, you better learn your slides.

if you're having a hard time with low end bog with a piston port kit, try #7, its my favorite for puch piston ports, just mind that idle.

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5 of 5 SHA tuning! April 22, 2016
taco eater : CB from Eustis, FL United States  
Can't get your sha tuned right after upjetting? Too rich down low? Try a higher number than you're currently running. All my 14.12's came with #1's. You can make a #2 or even more advanced # from a #1 or #2 with a bench grinder or dremel.

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5 of 5 SHA slide October 10, 2014
taco eater : anybody  
More details please, what's different, picture tells some not enough.

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