taco eater :
Bostoncommon from Brighton, MA United States
You can buy the connector seen in the image here on Amazon and they are actually great for mopeds. Look up pcs waterproof electrical connector set and they are pretty cheap. I was using them already and saw them in the image here
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some modification needed
August 23, 2017
taco eater :
Ryan Nash from New Orleans, LA United States
if you have stock cases please be comfortable with a belt sander or have access to a mill because you will need to take about 4mm or so off of the back of the adapter plate. If you try to bolt it up without doing that then the rotor will not bite the crank taper and will bottom out on the stator! Keep taking material off of the back of the adapter plate little by little until you can tighten the rotor down and it doesn't bottom out on the stator. You will most likely need to flip your case bolts around with the heads facing the ignition in order to get this to bolt up! After that work, it bolts up and rips!