taco eater :
Edgar Massey from El Cajon, CA United States
Seems to me quality has gone down, between miss packed items and now the mounting flange is completely bent... like i can see through the middle when its bolted on the bike... its useless, its a super expensive piece of shit im pretty pissed off about this... thought mlm was good save your money and buy a welder and make your own, sent too much money and way too much time on this to get it to work... AGAIN THE INTAKE IS JUNK!
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Minor file work needed
December 20, 2017
taco eater :
W FOwler from Buchanan, VA United States
A couple things to look for: the mounting flange may be warped by the heat of welding, the weld may prevent the bolt from tightening onto the the flange. The transition from tube to flange can also be smoothed out for better flow
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Doesn't fit
October 26, 2016
taco eater :
Billy bob Thornton from Portsmouth, NH United States
Doesn't fit an airsal 65cc kit. I was using on a 17 Bing. Need some shims. Doesn't fit the airsal cylinder so it really doesn't matter though. Maybe other kits are different.
edit treats: fits fine on airsal 65 and not designed for 17 bing - made for vm18 or phbg! yep yep
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Works good like an intake should
June 10, 2016
taco eater :
Moped Maddie from Rochester, NY United States
I picked this up for my hobbit as I wanted the carb outside the subframe for east tuning. Made my own little shim with a piece of bike inner tube to get a super tight grippy fit with my 21mm PHBG. No mods to the subframe are necessary and you have about 1-2inches of pedal clearance still. Hooray for no more unbolting the sunframe every time I mess with the carb.
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not on treat 50 without nibbling
August 26, 2014
taco eater :
durty mcdribble
so this don't bolt on to my treatz 50 cyl. but its ok cuz I was born with the ability to digest aluminium. im gonna have to nibble at my fins a little so it will fit and not have a massive space in between the intake and the hole. it would get 5 stars but im gonna have a tummy ache for like 30 minutes while the aluminium is breaking down into simple carbs