taco eater :
Hugh Goldspiel from San Jose, CA United States
The very first part you should buy after buying this even before jets is a new spring loaded Dellorto float needle for SHA carbs if you are running a SHA type carb to prevent top end fuel starvation. You will NOT be at anyone's mercy. You will now have extra whiskey funds. Go !!..
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October 20, 2011
taco eater :
ciao-zilla from savannah ga
i have it on my ciao/64cc dr kit/13.13/stock un-cut crank. it dumps right into the power band, stays in it for a good long while, makes a shitload of power and sounds like some kind of weaponized concrete saw. its pretty loud. good loud tho. and that thing about the paint...whatever, it burns up like everything else, but i dont care. fits with kickstand and pedals. really solid construction. the silencer is very nice, and is louder than a cell phone, even thru a car door!!!