kreidler exhaust flange - 32mm
kreidler exhaust flange


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kreidler 32mm exhaust flange.

32mm ID
52mm eyelets on the mounting holes

taco rating taco rating 3 of 5 3 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 give your taco rating here

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3 of 5 THE THUNDER TRIBE June 26, 2013
taco eater : zac smith from Seattle, WA United States  
I have a US version kriedler with a MP-9 engine and the engine has a spout style exhaust that uses a clamp not a flange style with bolts. There were only 2 Kreidlers that came to the US, one had a MP-9 engine and one had a MP-19, the only difference being a extra wire on the MP-19 so I would imagine the exhaust is the same on that one as well.  Maybe this is for a euro model kreidler??

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