MVT cdi box - RJ051X
MVT cdi box - RJ051X


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replacement RJ051X cdi box for the MVT premium CDI ignition.

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5 of 5 5-Pin CDI users rejoice April 30, 2022
taco eater : calder from thee kingdom  
this thing has a fucking massive curve (20* by my calculations) and works with Le Partie! Probs works w/ your jog or hobbit cdi too then by the transitive property.

Pin out for hackers:

Blk - Ground
Blk/Wht - Kill
Orange - HT Coil
Red/Blk - Power (Green on Le Partie)
Blu - Pickup (Blk/Red on Le Partie)

Kind of odd to time- from what I can tell it basically advances the your static timing +27* then retards back down to +7* of static at max RPM- i.e. to time to 15* at max RPM, set the flywheel to hit fire at 8*.

use of a * to mm timing calculator, polini micrometer, and timing light is highly recommended here

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