I ended up loosing mine in the woods, but it makes your ped look faster!
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Bigger is better!
May 20, 2012
taco eater :
Brad Rice from Albany, NY United States
Massive and free flowing. Angle in boot allows for a different carb look everyday of the week. Plus clearance on almost anything.
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Tons of airflow
March 22, 2012
taco eater :
Nikolas Sanow from Portland, OR United States
So long that once the springs on my EBRs break in, i'll have to angle it at 45 degrees to clear my front fender. Jury is stilll out on whether it will keep the Portland rain from fucking up my gas...
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my favorite air filter!
November 25, 2010
taco eater :
terrydean from san francisco, i think?
this filter works great on your dellorto phbg carbs too if you run the small black velocity stack that comes on the race carbs. just clamp the filter to the stack!