i measured wrong and had to cut a bit off the top to fit my '85 sebring. but theyre way nicer than stock. also. youll have to open up the eyelets a bit for 12mm axles, or atleast i had to, and grind out some space for the brake plate to mate with the little fork drum brake nub guy. get the 220mm and save yourself the hassle.
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1 taco eaters like this review
February 26, 2014
taco eater :
Shannon H. from Seattle, WA United States
Do you ride your Derbi around the whole time thinking that the front end is going to collapse causing your face to look like taco meat from jack in the box? Well be terrified no longer, because these magnificent forks bolt right up to a Derbi! All you need is this headset
All you need to do is use the lower race from your derbi forks and the bearings and upper inner race from that wonderful kit you just bought, as well as the lock nut and washer. Then magically you will have amazing hydro forks that will make all your friends sad as you smoothly glide over bumps big and small with ease!